Edited Discourse Community Statement

Based on the reading by Swales, a discourse community comprises a group of people with similar concerns, goals, and ideologies who gather to discuss ways to make their beliefs a reality. I can say that one discourse community I’m a part of is the 1199 Nursing Union. The union is an example of a formal focal discourse community because it requires a paid membership, organized rules, and elected leadership. It has a documented shared set of goals. It often meets to discuss potential changes and how to ensure that said goals are maintained. I frequently receive emails, newsletters, and invitations to attend meetings to be aware of what is happening. Another discourse community I’m a part of is my neighborhood block association, which would be an example of a local residential discourse community because the concerns are only relevant to those who reside on my block. They provide newsletters and post flyers monthly to provide awareness. My church is the last discourse community I think I’m a member of. I attend a catholic church and believe it fits the vocational local discourse community well. I get bulletins weekly and email updates from them as well. I also think the church is a folocal discourse community as the Pope and the Vatican significantly influence it. And lastly, I am a student which allows me to be apart of the academic and student discourse communities.

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