Keeping a balance #4

At the start of the week, we were presented with the opportunity to design zoom slides and backgrounds that incorporated the logos of our facilities. We were restricted to a limited range of colors that were outlined in the brand guidelines, which we had to adhere to at all times. The process of generating ideas was somewhat challenging as I had to strike a balance between creating something visually appealing yet not too distracting. These backgrounds had to be more than just a plain white screen, as they played a crucial role in establishing a positive, warm, and welcoming atmosphere for the online class. After creating a few designs, I received feedback within a couple of days. During our weekly meeting on Thursday, our supervisor informed us about upcoming projects, including a video project that required us to plan out the details and roles for each intern. We discussed filming schedules, video content, and time management. Unfortunately, our planned zoom meeting was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. In the meantime, I am focusing on my other classes and projects, managing my time effectively to strike a balance between both without feeling overwhelmed. This was a concern of mine at the beginning of the semester, but things are going well so far.

Published by

Matthew De Souza

Hi! I'm Matthew De Souza, a graphic designer and artist. Art has been a major part of my life and I've been sharing it with friends and family for many years. It's exciting that I can be able to share my work with people across the world, whether if that's digitally or physically. I'm constantly open to feedback as I believe improvements can always be made to any body of work.

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