Intermission #5

In recent weeks, discussions have been held regarding an upcoming video project that is intended for the establishment’s Tiktok account. Although myself and the other interns have engaged in conversations and devised plans for these videos, no tangible progress has been made thus far. I anticipate that the process will gain momentum in the forthcoming weeks. However, it is disconcerting that there has been a consistent delay in this project, leaving me uncertain about its status. Apart from the video project, our supervisor has assigned us other design tasks and projects to occupy our time. In my previous assignment, we created zoom backgrounds for employees to utilize during meetings and gatherings. However, this time, we were instructed to develop zoom title screens that would seamlessly transition into the aforementioned backgrounds. To accomplish this, I had to bear in mind that my supervisor prefers graphics that are both simple and impactful. Additionally, I had to ensure that the new title screens maintained a similar aesthetic to the backgrounds I had previously created.

During the initial feedback session where we presented our work, I had produced four title screens. Although the supervisor appreciated certain aspects of each one, they ultimately approved only one. This posed a challenge, as I was required to create a total of three screens. After taking a step back, I decided to start anew and conduct research on minimalist backgrounds and wallpapers. This approach proved fruitful, as it inspired me to generate additional backgrounds. By making slight modifications to the initial background, I successfully crafted three entirely new screens while preserving the same essence as my previous zoom backgrounds. I have submitted these backgrounds, but I am still awaiting feedback. A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, during which I hope to receive an update on the video project and potentially obtain feedback on our most recent zoom title screens.

Zoom Backgrounds made by: Matthew De Souza

Published by

Matthew De Souza

Hi! I'm Matthew De Souza, a graphic designer and artist. Art has been a major part of my life and I've been sharing it with friends and family for many years. It's exciting that I can be able to share my work with people across the world, whether if that's digitally or physically. I'm constantly open to feedback as I believe improvements can always be made to any body of work.

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