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Assignment #9

Creative Brief 

Who are we?

Samsung, the number one Television manufacturer in the world.

 Who is the target audience?

Primarily targeting the ages of 18-up.  We are steering towards employed parents who receive an average-high income. Enthusiasts who want the best quality out of their televisions.

 Who is the competition?

Competition consist of other brands who have also released other 4k televisions with the similar Osled panel. Companies Such as Vizio, Sony, and Lg who are also on the top of the market in sales with the release of their Ultra Hd televisions

 What are the benefits?

-Happy, relaxing, at ease

 What is the tonality?

Costumers should feel cool relaxed and stress free while viewing the advertisement.

 Where will the ad play?

The ad will play on local news channels, and be featured on informative/technology websites. ( Techspot, Fobes, tomshardware)


Setting: Queens, New York. Friday 2pm

Characters: 2 Deliver men

Man being carried


Sequence 1

It is two in the afternoon and two middle aged delivery men wearing blue jumpsuits and caps facing backwards park in front of a Queens New York apartment. The camera is faced at about a medium distance. Both delivery men simultaneously open the car doors and unlock the rear door.

Sequence 2

There is a human being about the age 40 laying in the back of the van. Both men pick the man up and start carrying him by his arms and legs. As he is being carried he is quoting a character from the television series “Game of Thrones”.  “King of the Andals and the first men, Lord of the 7 kingdoms and protector of the realm, I Eddard of the house of stark, lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, Sentence you to die”

Sequence 3

Both delivery men are completely quiet while making this delivery not appearing shocked by what they are doing. They continue to carry the man to the front door of the apartment they parked in front of.

Sequence 4

Inside of the hallway walking towards the apartment door.

Sequence 5

While the man being is still blathering, the two delivery men enter the home and place him on a television stand in a living room where a family of four is sitting on a couch.­ Once he is placed on the stand the delivery men walk away.

Sequence 6

The man continues blathering but he begins to be enclosed by a television. His clothing then transforms into medieval attire. As the transformation is taking place, the man speaks his last words which are “Sentence you to die.” He then takes his sword out of his sheath and becomes a character from Game of Throne­s. The man continues the scene he is reenacting and the family that is sitting on the couch continue to watch him. The scene ends with the man transforming into a television.