Case Study

White Male Age 50

Not currently on any medications

Has a history of smoking 2 packs of cigarettes daily.

He likes to watch sports and drink beers on the weekends.

He has not been to the dentist in 5yrs due financial status.

Patient reports when he brushes he bleeds alot.

When I did my intra oral examination he had no significant findings. But he did have a lot of  staining, sub gingival and supra gingival calculus, that is was very hard for me to get close to accurate probing readings. He also had abrasion. I asked him how many times a day he brushed and flossed his teeth? He replied and told me that he does not floss and he brushes every other day. My treatment plan for him was to teach him how to correctly brush his teeth twice a day and I recommended that he can also purchase a power brush, floss, and perform a gross debridement. After doing so I advised him to come back for another dental cleaning in 3 months so that I can maintain his oral status and get it back to a healthy state.
