Meet The Pros – Creative Circle


Devir Shrikey, one of the professors of this school that teaches portfolio class along with the art directors club, put together a meet the pros where two hiring managers from Creative Circle came in to talk about portfolios. How to put them together, what to put in them, steps on getting into the design world, and how to get noticed. They spoke about the large number of clients they had and what your job was as part of Creative Circle.


If you so choose to join a creative agency like Creative Circle, what they do is help you find jobs/work. They will take you in, review your portfolio, give you advice on your portfolio and then when they get jobs that they believe will best suit you they will offer those jobs to you. Β The jobs run for about 3 months each and then you stop there and get assigned somewhere else when an opportunity arises. Along with a constant flow of job offering you also receive benefits such as medical that you wouldn’t receive as a independent freelancer.

They went over different peoples portfolios who were very successful within there company. These people manly had a large variety of different work that included different mediums and design styles. They also had a chart and a breakdown of the design field that showed each job title such as art director and creative director and where they placed on the food chain. They did a breakdown of money people generally make in each area and the kind of attribute that you may have to work on for areas that you might want to go into.

At the end of the presentation they had an open floor where people could ask questions regarding either there portfolios or there interest in joining a creative agency. Overall it was a good learning experience, a good look into the career I wish to pursue.