App – Autodesk Sketchbook


Autodesk Sketchbook

Autodesk sketchbook is an app that is your basic sketch pad. The free phone version allows you to do the basic things like work with brushes, of different weights, lines, shapes, colors, and designs. They have some features as well like there are symmetry settings that allow you to set a point on the artboard and draw symmetrical designs. There are options to import your own pictures in and you can also add text to your drawings and there are layers options.

This app is very handy for when you have projects for school or work because you have a sketchbook on you at all times. Rather then doing physical sketches while your out and about when you might not have a pencil or notebook, you can pull this out, jot down a quick idea and even add colors quickly. Its good so I can later go home and use those sketches to work on creating the actual ideas.

Theres also a lot of potential in the art you can create on sketchbook. I have not used it for that so far but when I get more time to play with it I’ll look into how that works. Would recommend, great for organizing ideas and quick sketching things.