Week 7 – New York For Seniors Get Together

The beginning of this week was some quick prep for our event on Thursday.

On Thursday we met in the parking lot of the Gateway Mall, in brooklyn 590 gateway drive 11239 at 9am.  I arrived to see that the tent and chairs were already set up by hosting company.


here is a front shot.


I spent my time at a booth on the left side of the tent with 3 boxes of magazines


As people went around looking at all the other booths and got free stuff and information they would pass my booth and I would hand them a magazine. I would also ask them if they wanted me to download the app and show them how it worked but not a single person said they did haha. I’m sure a lot of them didn’t know what I was saying.

After a while the place started filling up. There was food served and a DJ playing music and giving announcements about whats to come.  There was also a booth at the front that had Alphacare associates to help you sign up for Alphacare.

They had a jazz band come in and play and had many different guest speakers.


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Representatives from the Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz’s office and from Senator James Sanders Jr.’s office came down to give a talk about how they were going to help the Seniors keep there houses and lower there rent ( I don’t trust politicians). After that the Brooklyn Sports Club came in and did like a 30 min exercise for the seniors and everyone went crazy. People were really getting into it, I’m upset I don’t have a picture of this because I was too caught off guard when it happend. Towards the end there was a doctor who specialized in senior patients who came on stage and gave a speech about things to watch out for in terms of your body as a senior and what to eat to help avoid certain illnesses. Also how to injury proof your house. The whole event went for about 5-6 hours and we gave out around 300 magazines.