Week 5 – Tune Up

This week was a lot of revisions.  A lot of changes were made to the already finished magazine and so certain articles and pictures had to be changed and other pages were removed completely.  When we first started they wanted to add 8 pages to the already 20 pages that the magazine contained.  After adding those 8 pages they decided that they only wanted to add 4 so we had to remove 4 pages picking which articles were more important as best we could.  Basically any articles that talked about an important figure such as a senator or borough president had to stay so we removed a couple health related articles and they were added to the website where seniors and caregivers can go and find more articles related to seniors.

Another big change that was required was that they wanted to change the center fold page. The story that was on the centerfold page they decided to switch with another article.  With that change they also wanted to change the cover because the cover and the centerfold page have to match picture-wise.  So I had those changes to work on.

So while in the office I  was working on reorganizing there website.  They had different stock images that needed to be organized and they have a page where they sell web page names so I was working on putting together that page with the list of web names and pictures to follow those names.  I was working on this while I had my gmail open and my phone at the ready waiting for different changes that needed to be made to the magazine.