Week 2 – Connections

By week two I had fixed up my portfolio and behance site to be more organized and possibly appeal to a more professional audience.  I sent out some more applications and waited on those to return.  While those were out I got a text from one of my old bosses from JIG Media.  His son had just picked up a new client and he needed some extra help around the office to work on some of the new work he got from his client “AlphaCare”. They are a healthcare company and have recently made a healthcare system in NYC that focuses on senior citizens.

He said he would hire me on for the semester to help him with putting together several different things that the company wanted and to do any other design work that came there way.  They will occasionally get requests for logos or flyers for upcoming events or companies/buildings.  They also have a couple of there own projects that they are working on that include a lot of events, magazines, print work, websites, social media, and logo/apparel design.  One of there current projects is a football site that connects all of NYC football news including things like little league football, current athletes that are being looked at by NY teams to be drafted and exclusive interviews with them.  I will be starting with them next week where we will go over what we plan to work on in the upcoming semester.