Although I did not have the opportunity to inter during my academic career here at NYCCT, I interned at the Yonkers Police Department Crime Laboratory for a year (2004 – 2005) to fulfill my Bachelor’s degree requirement. During the course of that year, I had the pleasure and opportunity to observe the operation of the crime lab and obtained hands-on experience in examination and analysis of controlled substances, hair, latent print development, instrumental analysis (Mass Spectroscopy and Microscopy) and blood analysis. I also prepared standards and sample solutions as required for drug analysis.
Now that I am concluding this Dental Hygiene Program, I am somewhat disappointed that I was not granted the opportunity to intern. I believe completing an intern in your field of studies is very important and vital in preparing one for the real world. However, according to the quote, “experience is the best teacher of life and the worst experiences teach the best lessons. “ Therefore, I must prepare myself for the reality of the dental hygiene world and learn as I progress.