
As previously stated, my name is Melanie Clare and I am currently senior Dental Hygiene Student.  Before embarking on this new career path, I achieved my first Bachelors of Science degree in Forensic Molecular Biology from John Jay college of Criminal Justice.  My ultimate goal was to become a Forensic Pathologist.  However, during my undergraduate years I realized I was more passionate about Forensic Molecular Biology.  Therefore, I decided to purse my Bachelors degree in Forensic Molecular Biology.  One summer after working as a substitute dental assistant, I realized that I also had a passion for the dental field.  After careful thought and consideration, I decided to pursue a career in Dental Hygiene.  I was immediately accepted into program, but had to forfeit my seat due medical reasons.  I later re-enrolled into the program and started my journey to become a Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH).  Throughout the course of the program I encountered many obstacles that motivated me work harder. I remain positive and optimistic by remembering my favorite life quotes is “A setback is a setup for a comeback” and “This too shall pass.”   Overall, this program have changed my life prospective and mold me to the person I am today.  My greatest take away from this program is the importance of time management. 

 Below are photos of my journey as a Dental Hygiene student. 

kymora and I
My first pediatric patient.
kymora and I.jpg 2
Performing oral cancer screening on my pediatric patient.
Preparing to administer to local anesthesia.
Head Start Fluoride Varnish Program 2016. Community outreach service.
My fellow future Hygienist and I

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