Learning Self Analysis

Learning Self Analysis for BSN program

As technology is changing in the health care field so is the need for nurses to adapt to technological evolution. My journey through the BSN program made me realize how ethics education is important in nursing world. We all come from different backgrounds; therefore our ways of thinking are different.  The BSN program gave me an insight of the diverse aspects of nursing, from physical, cultural, psychological, and religious perspectives. It also enables me to work in more diverse settings and assure more diverse roles. Even though it has been an overwhelming journey, I got the tools to communicate better with health care workers and coordinate patient care with compassion. I overcame the fears of public speaking through the courses of case management, community health and public speaking.

The BSN program gave me the opportunity to sharpen more my critical thinking and to deal professionally with any issues and to define good behavior. This program had reoriented my objectives (revised my personal goals), because being an experienced nurse made me realize that higher educational level greatly influences your way of thinking.

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