Resume/ Cover Letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am interested in the ICU position. I want to work in critical care for the challenges and opportunity to learn with a company that is a leader in its field and that will take on prospective employees who show a potential for professional growth.

I am confident in my ability to fulfill the requirements that may be necessary for the position you are offering and strongly believe that I will adapt quickly.  In short, I am a dynamic individual who takes on challenges readily and successfully.  I am very technically inclined; detail oriented, and possesses excellent communication and writing skills.  I would welcome the opportunity to become a good and competent ICU nurse. I have enclosed my college transcript, my portfolio, and a list of references.

Should you require additional information please contact me at the above numbers or E-mail me. Thank you for your time and attention in reviewing this material and for your forthcoming response.



Magalie Cherenfant

Magalie Resume 3