Tag Archives: talkative

Final words…


We have reached the end of my blog posting for this semester…it was a pleasure to share a little bit of me with you.  I hope that you were able to tell from my posts that I enjoy being silly and having fun.  That my focus is event planning within the hospitality industry and that I would love to work with companies focused on events for children.

For years I did not know what I wanted to do with my life.  I have been in digital sales for over eleven years now and I feel it is time to move on to something different.  I have mastered the elements of digital sales and while it continues to change all the time…my heart is no longer in it.  I long for new challenges and experiences.  I long for a more fulfilling job in life.  I do not just want to work for a company, I want to work for one making a difference somewhere and somehow in this world.  It can be anything from employee empowerment to fundraisers.

I understand that profits are important to any business…but my hope is that my attention to detail, hard work and focus are noticed and appreciated.  I want to be the first person the company thinks of when a kids event needs to be organized.  I want to execute events that are remembered forever.  Maybe it was the perfect centerpiece for a kids party…or a surprise guest that makes it memorable.

I know some of my fellow classmates have an interest in creating their own business.  I have a lot of respect for them but it is not something I am interested in pursing.  While I enjoy leading — running, managing, and growing a company from scratch is a LOT of work.  I would rather make my imprint within a company.  I have no problem helping a company grow and shine more from within.

I am so lucky to have finally found a field that I feel comfortable in…where being talkative and polite are an asset.  Where going above and beyond to make someone happy is the goal.  I never thought of myself as someone who would want to work in the service industry.  I never thought putting together an event would be so meaningful to me.  Maybe because it has a beginning and an end that I can see it before my own eyes…or maybe it is because I love to make people smile, especially children.

Whatever the reason, I am so glad that I found it and that it found me.  I planned my first event in 2006 and it was awesome.  It was the annual St. Patrick’s Day party for clients and we had so many people show up the marshal shut us down!  How is that for a new and challenging experience?  The following year I managed to prevent any shutdowns but it took a lot of work and coordinating to do so.  I miss those days so much.

If you want to contact me, please feel free to do so on here.

Have an eventful end of year!