Tag Archives: Reuse Food

One Change = Big Difference

The reuse of food is discussed a bit in my paper but I would like to expand on it here.  Reusing food is not considered a new solution but it is a solution restaurants should actively practice.  There are always options for various ways to reuse food – you can make a stock with leftover bones and veggie scraps or with leftover veggies and fruits you can make smoothies.

At the Lea Restaurant the seasonal fruit on their brunch menu is being wasted each time it is served. One new way to fix this is to take all of the unused fruit and veggie/fruit scraps to make smoothies.  With the addition of yogurt (already on hand) the restaurant is able to incorporate this practice, introduce a new menu item, and reduce the amount of food wasted during their brunches.  That’s a win, win, win situation.

Restaurants need to constantly change their approach to food to stay “present” in this overcrowded industry.
