Tag Archives: parents

Hello I am the…


I look forward to the opportunity to one day walk up to someone and tell them these exact words.  Sometimes I wish I would have realized earlier when I wanted to get into even planning but as they say, ‘better late than never.’  I am hopeful that my education here at City Tech along with the assistance of my classmates and professors help leap me into the world I so desperately desire to be a part of on a regular basis.

I know planning events for children won’t be easy.  I will have over-protective parents who want to oversee everything.  I will have parents who are completely unreasonable in their requests.  My goal to attempt to bring the parents back down to reality is to ask them, “What does your child want?  Will this make them happy or sad?”  I think if you refocus the parents on the children they will realize that the event is not about them but about their desire to make their kids happy.  If you throw a party and the birthday kid is unhappy….you have to ask yourself was it really a party for them or for yourself?

My goal will always be to focus on the children.  To make sure that the events I am planning make them happy and keep them happy.  My hope is that an happy child = happy parents.  Let’s hope and pray.