Tag Archives: CityTech

A little about me!

What can I tell you about me? I’m always cracking jokes or at least trying to. I think those closest to me would say I’m a bit crazy, funny, honest and caring.


I was born in PR and raised on the lower east side of Manhattan (when it used to be a much scarier neighborhood). Now this neighborhood boasts restaurants on each corner and I say to myself, “that was the furniture store, ha!”

I’ve lived in NYC all my life and I love it here. Yes, it’s overcrowded and ridiculously expensive but the convenience of bodegas open 24 hours a day around the corner never gets old.  Plus, I love walking and this is a walking city!

Why am I back in school? Long story short, I lost my job and was out of work for 9 months. Despite lots of interviews, I was unable to find a job so I decided to look into finishing my bachelor’s degree.  My searches lead me to City Tech and I’ve been here since Fall 2013.

Going to school part-time and working full-time is not easy but I make the most of it by expanding my mind. Coming back to school after all these years has showed me two things, 1. how naive we all are the first time we come to college (haha, me included) and 2. how much more there is to learn and understand.

I am enjoying this new journey of mine and I hope you’ll come along for the ride.
