About Me

I was born on September 29, 1980 in Bronx, New York. I have been living in the Bronx for 40 years. I also went to school in the Bronx until it was time for me to go college in Manhattan. Growing up in New York, I loved watching people sing, act, and dance. I always
wanted to have musical talent, but I realized I had talent in other creative areas like writing and was told I had a good stage presence.

At age 12, I was chosen to participate in an oratorical contests where students recited poetry and engaged in drama activities. I went to high school at Hostos-Lincoln Academy of Science and participated in other events, such as Black History Month where I recited poetry in English and Spanish. I was also part of the health occupations program and did an internship at Lincoln Hospital in 1998 working with doctors and performing administrative tasks. Since then, my passion developed in writing and self-expression. When I attended Borough of Manhattan Community College, I realized I needed to engage in a field where I can earn a living and start a career where I can utilize my problem solving and creative thinking skills.

I wanted to major in something related to my interests. This is why I was interested in the new Multimedia Academic Program that was created at Borough of Manhattan Community College and got my Associates Degree in Multimedia Computer Art and Design in the year 2002. In learning about multimedia, I developed technical and creative skills, such as digital art, typography, writing, and technology. Then I became a team player working 15 years in the administrative field. I’ve had jobs where I applied my knowledge of computers in order to help clients and participate in presentations for staff events.

In 2016, I decided to pursue my Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Technical Writing at New York City College of Technology where I learned how to write for different audiences using a variety of multimedia software tools and specialized in Communication Design. In the year 2020, I was promoted to a Forms Designer. In January 2021, I finally received my Bachelor’s Degree in Professional and
Technical Writing.