Welcome to My ePortfolio!

In this eportfolio site, are samples of the successful work I have completed in my career and academic life. Not only did it work to my benefit, but to the benefit of others who need to be taught in areas of fundamental learning as well. The work I have done throughout my recent college years at New York City College of Technology and 15 years working for the City of New York, have received much credibility and further motivated me to help others succeed as well.

On the top menu bar, are the main links to each page such as Portfolio Profile, Home, About Me, Academic Technical Writing Projects, Communication Design Projects, Professional Career, and Achievements. Under Professional Career, you can view my Career Writing and Design Projects, and my current Resume. Each page has a description of what you can expect to see and also contains links to other related pages. As you navigate through the main menu, you will see my growth as a learner to someone who has integrated and developed skills in writing and document design.

In the quote below by Amy Tan, author of the Joy Luck Club, she describes how writing itself can be used as a valuable tool to inspire others and when that is accomplished, it becomes a talent. My e-portfolio represents how I use my technical writing and design skills in various subjects and strategies to engage the audience. I designed the image next to the quote below in PowerPoint.

Writing is an extreme privilege, but it’s also a gift.  It’s a gift to yourself and it’s a gift of giving a story to someone.

-Amy Tan