Life long learning relates to my professional goal in the sense that I would like to serve my clients in a successful manner in order to fulfill my standards of being a Human Services Professional. I would like to expand my knowledge by learning tools that’ll be helpful in my profession. I’d like to learn how to better understand my client’s cultures and beliefs so I can better connect with them and avoid any issues. We live in a mixed culture full of many different kinds of people so learning about my client’s cultures would allow them to feel respected by me. An aspect that I’d hope to grow and to develop would be the decreasing of judgments. Usually people are quick to judge and this is something that can occur to anyone. Without having the realization that you’re judging someone you may be committing this action- something that I’d like to learn how to control. As a human service professional I would like to work on the skills mentioned to better serve my clients.

A program that would have an affect on my further career would be Family and Community Services. This program would allow me to gain certain skills needed for my profession. One of the goals of this program is for people to understand relationship dynamics and my profession requires me to deal with different types of people. Since this program shows how to understand relationships then it’ll allow me to build a better relationship with my client. This graduate program also teaches how to deliver services effectively which is one of my goals for my profession. Personally, I’d feel as if my work was complete once I see my client satisfied and to do so I would have to learn how to offer effective services. A certificate program that I believe would be effective in developing my professional skills would be the Strategic Human Resources Leadership program. This program aims at teaching people how to comprehend and speak the language of a human resource professional. This is definitely a skill that has to be learned and would be useful whether it be for meetings or any leadership positions. I would be able to use and understand the terms that people only in my profession would use.

Throughout my education I have faced many challenges and I believe that I will continue facing challenges. The challenges I’d face would be the cost of school, accessibility, and responsibility. Education isn’t very cheap so I would struggle when it comes to paying student loans. Also, having the availability to attend school would probably become an issue at one point in the future since I do want to do other things with my life. Finally, responsibility will always be a challenge. It’s hard to determine what is more important in life and I have to be responsible enough to do everything that I find important. However, there are also benefits in continuing my education. Some of them include developing new skills and obtaining job opportunities