Annoted Bib

Annoted Bibliography

Aldridge, Delores P. “African American Women in the Economic Marketplace: A

continuing Struggle” vol.20, no.2. pp129-154. African Studies about African

Americans in workplace that are still struggling with barriers.


McIntosh, Peggy. “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible knapsack”

                        An amazing story of how privileged “white” individuals are in their

everyday life according to a “white” author.


Miller-Loessi, Karen, vol.35, No.1, Women in the Workplace: Toward True Integration

(Spring, 1992), pp.1-15. This is very interesting, which drew attention to interactional aspects of the workplace in the issue of women’s integration in the work force.


Reskin, Barara. (“Sex Segregation in the Workplace” Annual Review of

Sociology.vol.19 (1993), pp. 241-270. The author reviews the research on the

segregation of women and men in the workplace. Summarizing trends in sex

segregation in the United States and cross-nationally. This article was a great



(Strobel, Margaret, “African Women”.vol.8, no.1. Autumn, 1982), pp.109-131. The

diverse social and cultural manifestations of gender on the 21st century. Great

information into modern times.Annoted Bibliography

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