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Mystery and Suspense Thumbnail Draft & Treatment

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Mark Bascom
October 18, 2015.
Storyboard Concepts.
Mystery & Suspense Treatment

My suspense thriller, consist of our protagonist, our subject all alone in his house,
getting antagonized by a mysterious stalker figure, who uses the subjects sense of sound,
touch, and then finally sight to play suspenseful mind games on our subject. Our
Antagonist uses some of our protagonist’s common everyday household items, in order to
scare him before he actually kills him.

My opening establishing shot would be a static close up, fading in over the lead subjects face shooting down from, the a low angle perspective, using a desk lamp light source to shine down on a guy sitting at his desk in his living room. From there, we will have a shot of a phone sitting on the table, and have the phone start to ringing. As the phone is ringing he picks up the phone to answer it but after he answers the phone, the guy gets a threatening message. Which he thinks about being worried and scared but, he choose to ignore the phone call and shrug it off as someone playing a prank on him. During the phone call now he figures someone is touching him. But reminds himself that no one is in the house but him. The subject now doesn’t sense, that someone is really creeping up behind him. So he goes constantly looking over his shoulder until he gets to the couch and relax, Until the person is revealed, and our subjects is finally face to face with our antagonist, then our subject anticipates the antagonist killing him then before he kills him, the scene cuts straight to black. Which is the end.

Original Mystery Treatment

Original Mystery & Suspense Treatment

Mark Bascom
October 18, 2015.
Storyboard Concepts.

My suspense thriller, consist of our protagonist, our subject all alone in his house, getting antagonized by a mysterious stalker figure, who uses the subjects sense of sound, touch, and then finally sight to play suspenseful mind games on our subject. Our Antagonist uses some of our protagonist’s common everyday household items, in order to scare him before he actually kills him.

My opening establishing shot would be a wide shot facing from above shooting down from, the a ceiling perspective of a spot light shining down on a guy sitting on a recliner chair in his house. Then we will have a shot of a phone sitting on the table. The phone starts to ring, and as the phone is ringing he picks up the phone to answer it but the phone continues ringing and ring and ring and he gets frustrated because he cannot find out where the phone is ringing from which his driving him crazy. Until he finally finds a mysterious old school rotary phone some where in his house. He is scared to answers but he answers, and its finally stops ringing. And then the scene fades straight to black. Making this the End if the treatment has to be cut short.

Another scenario either after he Answers the phone, or whether the story needs to be cut down or not. The guy after he answers the phone gets a threatening message, which has him now startled and scared for his life. He reminds himself he is all, alone in his house, and now figures someone is touching him. Now reminding himself that no one is in the house, he now sense someone is keeps tapping his shoulder and touching him from behind. So he goes constantly looking over his shoulder every minute or every time he gets touched. Until the person is revealed, and our subjects is finally face to face with our antagonist, then our subject anticipates the antagonist killing him then before he kills him, the scene cuts straight to black. Which is the end.