Prof Marantz Talks “Amateur Radio”

Amateur Radio

Amateur radio (HAM) is a hobby and, by law, completely non-commercial, that people can use for communications purposes.  The amateur radio also called HAM can also be used for broadcasting, for example (FIMA, Homeland Security, Red cross can use the HAM for broadcasting).

It can also be used to communication across country, around the globe and even the astronauts can used it for special mission. The HAM uses the minimum transmitter power to carry the desired communication.

The frequency spectrum of the HAM is reserved by the Federal Communications Commission, and start from just above the AM broadcast band and goes all the way up to the microwaves (extremely high frequencies).

I just would like to give an example to show the importance of HAM. In September 9, 2011; when the two towers of the World Trade Center went down all communication went down as well, in major parts of New York City, and when people were trying to make phone call, instead of receiving a ringing tones they were receiving busy tones.  This is just to illustrate the importance of Amateur radio during natural disaster.  When this happened, amateur radio was one of the solutions, to communicate.