Table of Contents

Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, and follow up with your instructor if you have questions.

Lesson 14. Properties of exponents and logarithms

Topic. This lesson covers Session X: lessontopic

Learning Outcomes.

  • LearningOutcome1

WeBWorK. There are X WeBWorK assignments on today’s material:

  1. Functions – Function Notation

Lesson Notes. Coming Soon

Additional Video Resources.

Question of the Day: What is the meaning of the “slope” of a line?

Topic 1

Definition. Definition here

Example 3.1. For the given function $f$, calculate the outputs $f(2), f(-3)$, and $f(-1)$

VIDEO: Descriptive Title Here

Topic 2

Key Ideas


idea 2

Exit Question

Question here


Answer here