Monthly Archives: August 2012

Disney College Program

The Walt Disney World company has impacted my life in a positive way; great adventures came my way along with it.

This Disney College Program has given me new views towards life and my future.  I met many people and learned about many opportunities that are open to me.  The new experience of living away from family and with 4 strange people was a bug risk, but I’m glad to have taken it every step of the way.  I am very fortunate to share an apartment with three other amazing girls; we all have different ethnicities and are all from different cities.  This experience made me grow to be a better person, as well as more responsible and aware of others.  

The College Program also helped me endorse my future career as a Pastry Chef in the hospitality field; even though I’m currently working attractions, I have been able to network and learn about my field of study.  I learned to open up and be much friendlier since I meet new people on a daily basis.  I’ve also learned the meaning of team work; I always work along with another person to maintain a safety environment for the guests.  

This experience has definitely opened my eyes and shown me there are many things available to me outside my hometown.  I’m ready to explore the world, network, and build projects for myself.  This trip has helped become more independent and show me a sneak peak of real life, it’s fun, exciting, and something new but I can’t wait to go back home to my family.  

To sum up my experience I can only think of one word Thankful!  I feel very lucky to have been one of the chosen ones to come work for Disney, for being able to meet so many new people whom I will maintain friendships with forever.  I’m glad to have learned about Disney culture, and heritage.  Glad to have worked at the happiest place in the world