1) Translucency:

This photo was created with camera flash.
2)Blue stains location application:

This photo was created without camera flash.

About man c. chan
Man Chun Chan
Mr. Chan began to study in New York City College of Technology in fall 2012. His desirable major is Restorative Dentistry. His current goals are to find the best Restorative Dentistry College in the country, learn from the top professors, learn about the latest dental laboratory technology, get top grades in school, work with fellow classmates, learn from upper-class men and upper-class women, and most importantly enjoy his classes. His future goals are to find the top employer who works diligent to serve the needs of dentist and patients.
He is currently seeking employment. If you know someone who is seeking help, please email him at man.chan@mail.citytech.cuny.edu. Thank You.