Theory Application Papers

Each student is responsible for writing two theory application papers. These papers apply one of the theories we have studied to one of the issues we have studied (you may construe the issue broadly, if it helps). 

Table of Contents

Topic Selection

Below is a table showing theories (on the left) and the issues we applied them to (on the right), as well as the class(es) in which we covered that topic.

Theory Class Issue Class
Egoism 4    
Contractarianism 5-7 Environment/Shared Resources 7
Utilitarianism 8-10 Treatment of Animals 10
Kantian deontology 11-13 Suicide 13
Virtue Ethics 16-19 Reproductive Technologies 18
Virtue Ethics 16-19 Abortion 19
Feminist Ethics 20-22 Disability 22
Care Ethics 23    
Divine Command Theory 24 Capital Punishment 25
Subjectivism and/or Relativism 26-28 Female Circumcision 28

There are two rules about topic choice: 

  1. You may apply your chosen theory to any of the issues that we did not already apply it to in class. So you could apply Kantian deontology to any of the issues EXCEPT suicide, since we read an article in class applying Kant’s theory to suicide. 
  2. You may not write on divine command theory or subjectivism/relativism at all. These are both theories of metaethics (rather than normative ethics), and both hold that ethical terms and concepts ultimately refer to the views or commands of some person or entity (either God or some individual or culture, respectively). We will discuss whether these theories are true, but won’t be applying them in the same way as we do other theories. 


Papers should: 

  1. Have a clear thesis, near the beginning, that makes clear how the student thinks the chosen theory applies to the chosen issue. 
    • Example: In this paper, I will argue that Kantian deontology requires that we do not help or otherwise support others who attempt suicide.
  2. Have a body that consists in arguments supporting the thesis. 
    • Example: First, Kantian deontology does not allow us to assist others in suicide because it requires us to think of each person as possessing objective value, or a “dignity beyond price,” regardless of that person’s own subjective evaluation of his or her own worth. 
  3. Consider at least one objection, and respond to it.
    • Example: Someone might object that for some people in extreme pain at the end of life, suicide would increase the overall value of their life to them. However, I respond that this cannot justify assisting someone with suicide, because subjective experiences of pain do not decrease a person’s objectively determined value.
  4. Interact substantively with relevant readings from class
  5. Be at least 1000 words long, written with standard English grammar and syntax. 

Due Dates

Thesis statement for paper 1: Class 12

First draft, paper 1: Class 18

Revised draft, paper 1: Class 22

Paper 2: Class 28

Your grade for the first paper will be the average of your first and second drafts. There is no revised draft of paper 2.