Author Archives: Wei

What Am I? – Wei

What Am I?

Hint: My Daddy’s Baldev Duggal

A breezy Villa’s backyard, the size of 2 gyms?

“Wrong”  – Trump

I’m Eco-friendly and Warm!

Then, a warm sunny “low-electricity” Villa good for seasonal vacation?

Wrong again!

I’m also Green, Persistent and Unyielding! whaaaa you mean “electricity”? “seasonal”?

I’m Duggal Greenhouse!



Eco-Friendly, 🙂



Sustainable, ♥

Unceasing, →

in the Brooklyn Navy Yard

(I was funded, found and born by Baldev Duggal)

Pay me a visit, I live in Building 268, 63 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201