Author Archives: Sean MacDonald

Reading assignment for Wed. March 15

The reading assignment for tomorrow has been posted along with discussion questions; please read and be prepared to discuss:


Questions for discussion tomorrow on reading: Why farm the city? Theorizing urban agriculture through a lens of metabolic rift, by Nathan McClintock:

1.McClintock presents the argument that urban residents should farm the city. What are his reasons?

2. What does McClintock means by metabolic rift, ecological rift, social rift and individual rift?

3. How does he believe these rifts can be overcome by farming the city?

4. How could ‘farming the city’ become a viable activity in a densely populated urban center?

5. What are some ways this could be done and who would benefit? What are the challenges to doing this?


Sustainable industries tour rescheduled to March 29

Please note: Because of the storm expected tomorrow and the likelihood that the site will not be open and accessible for tours on Wed., The class Sustainable Industries Tour scheduled for this Wed. March 15 has been rescheduled to Wed. March 29 (same time: 2:30 – 4 PM). You may have also received a notice of the rescheduled date directly from Turnstile Tours. Class will be held at the regular time on Wed. from 2:30 – 5 PM. The reading and discussion questions  will be posted by early Tuesday.

Update – class session Wed. March 8

  1. Please remember to register for the Sustainable Architecture and Industries tour by clicking on the tour registration tab on the main pages.
  2. On March 8, the first guest lecturer for the semester will be Prof. Phillip, Dept. of Hospitality Management who will speak on the topic of Sustainable Tourism. Please arrive on time to class as the lecture will begin promptly at 2:30.
  3. The topic listed on the syllabus for March 8 will be covered in two weeks, on March 22.

Reminder – reading assignment for Wed. Feb. 22

Reminder: 1.Please read the article that was posted last week (posted under ‘Weekly Reading Assignments’. Also bring a copy to tomorrow’s class as you will be using this for the first group written project.                                                                                                                                              2. Remember to sign up for the tour.

Reminder: Sign up for tour on March 15

Sustainable Architecture and Industries Tour at Brooklyn Navy Yard: Please see link posted to sign up for the tour. Here it is again, along with a map showing walking directions from City Tech to the site. (about 20 minutes).

Walking directions to Brooklyn Navy Yard