Monthly Archives: May 2017

Updated presentation schedule May 17 &24

Final presentation schedule: updated May 15:                                                                              Final Presentation Schedule       **Please note: if there is a comment in red, your topic still needs to be expressed as a central question or thesis. This should be reflected in the title of your presentation and in the final draft of all documents submitted at the time of presentation.

Brooklyn Navy Yard Tour 2017


One example of items re-purposed from old navy ships is this massive 22,500 pound anchor, from the USS Austin.

The Duggal Greenhouse is a restored navy ship assembly building that was now made into a huge event location. It is one out of 12 buildings that are on the plan to be restored.

Solar Energy panels located on street lamps help reduce energy consumption.

Active Beehives on top of a building seen from the green roof of Building 92. Beehives help pollinate green roof agriculture.

Green roof system on top of Building 92 also equipped with solar panels. The green roof helps to keep the building cool thus reducing energy consumption used for air conditioning. Green roofs also help to reduce water runoff that would end up picking up chemicals from the ground and wash into our sewage and water systems.