What Am I?
Hint: My Daddy’s Baldev Duggal
A breezy Villa’s backyard, the size of 2 gyms?
“Wrong” – Trump
I’m Eco-friendly and Warm!
Then, a warm sunny “low-electricity” Villa good for seasonal vacation?
Wrong again!
I’m also Green, Persistent and Unyielding! whaaaa you mean “electricity”? “seasonal”?
I’m Duggal Greenhouse!
Eco-Friendly, 🙂
Green, ♣
Conversion, ≅
Sustainable, ♥
Unceasing, →
in the Brooklyn Navy Yard
(I was funded, found and born by Baldev Duggal)
Pay me a visit, I live in Building 268, 63 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Facade of building 92, the former Marine Commandant’s residence, designed in 1857 by the fourth architect of the U.S. Capitol, Thomas U. Walter.