Lab 0

Lab Description:

The lab report example tells us the steps needed to submit our lab reports in the course CET3510. In order to submit any lab report we must first already have a page called “CET3510” in our portfolio. We must then create a new page with the parent set to “CET3510”, which is the correct way to organize our labs. In the lab reports we must include a description, code and screenshot. The description should be a summary of what we did in the lab. For the code, we need to set the settings to the “Text” view and use the <pre> HTML tag  that surround the code so that it will be pre-formatted, otherwise the code will not have the correct indentation and spaces. The screenshot should be of the actual program running. Lab repots should be posted private until the professor grades them.


mov(x, eax);
mov(y, ebx);
mov(m, ecx);
cmp( eax, ebx );
    jnge SkipStmts; 
    add(x, ecx); 


Screen Shot 2014-02-13 at 8.52.59 AM


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