OUTLINE (working outline — might change)
I. INTRO — Quote from my mom criticizing my friends
II. Describe my friend group
III. Scene of school day when Maryam took pills ending in hospital and police call to Mom
IV. My …
ENG 1101 D193 EngComp FALL 2024
A City Tech OpenLab Course Site
OUTLINE (working outline — might change)
I. INTRO — Quote from my mom criticizing my friends
II. Describe my friend group
III. Scene of school day when Maryam took pills ending in hospital and police call to Mom
IV. My …
“Lisa, you are a very good student. You can study anything–even if you don’t like it.”
I will always remember these words spoken to me by my father. We were sitting at the dining room table. Just my dad and …
RQ: How has the corona virus exacerbated anti-Asian sentiment?
Letter, op-ed, TEDtalk, interview in podcast or video.
I am thinking about writing a letter. I would present this as an open-letter written in the college newspaper in order to reach …
After studying Professor Wu’s end comments on my FD 1, I plan to develop two more scenes at key points in my story, in P. 4 and P. 6. Also, I plan to break up large blocks of dialogue by …
My research question is: How has the CV pandemic exacerbated Anti-Asian racism?
Source Entry #2
Part 1: MLA Citation
Yang, Andrew. “We Are Not the Virus But We Can Be Part of the Cure.” 1 Apr 2020 The Washington Post…
My research question is: How has the CV pandemic exacerbated Anti-Asian racism?
My research question is: How has the CV pandemic exacerbated xenophobia focusing especially on Anti-Asian hostility? This topic interests me because I am Chinese American. When the pandemic …
Part 3 Reflection
Put your one paragraph reflection on “Schools Kill Curiosity” here.
Part 4 Rhetorical Analysis
Put your one paragraph rhetorical analysis on “Schools” here.
Part 5 Notable Quotables
Select at least 3 significant quotes from the …
You are doing Parts 1 and 2 for a Source Entry on “Schools are Killing Curiosity.”
Part 1 MLA Citation
Part 2 Summary
(Put your summary here.)…
My Research Question is: How has the CV pandemic exacerbated xenophobia focusing especially on Anti-Asian hostility?
Tavernise, Sabrina, and Richard A. Oppel. “Spit on, Yelled at, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety.” The New York Times, The New York …
My research question is: How has the CV pandemic exacerbated xenophobia focusing especially on Anti-Asian hostility? This topic interests me because I am Chinese American. When the pandemic began in NYC in March, I witnessed New Yorkers treat Asians …