Remember that Final Portfolio is due tomorrow on Saturday! Please please load what you have done, even if your genre project is not perfect. For Unit 3 Genre Project Unit, you may submit transcripts, outlines, written parts of the …
ENG 1101 D193 EngComp FALL 2024
A City Tech OpenLab Course Site
Remember that Final Portfolio is due tomorrow on Saturday! Please please load what you have done, even if your genre project is not perfect. For Unit 3 Genre Project Unit, you may submit transcripts, outlines, written parts of the …
Tomorrow Wednesday I hope to have many of you present your projects. Then we can finish on Monday and Monday can be our LAST DAY! So please the more of you who can present today, the better.
Portfolio is still …
We return to our classroom today.
I am starting to see some wonderful Genre Projects in the G Drive.
Heads up: You will soon put all of your Unit 1,2,3 works into your own Final Portfolio. We will talk about …
Prof. Gertzog was able to give me a stellar report of you all. I am proud of you!
Now you are finishing your genre projects and by Saturday please load what you have done to the Google Drive in the…
We meet tomorrow in the library computer classroom. I want to hear a progress report from each of you and then you will post a progress report as HW4.
Many of you have yet to start this project and it …
Tomorrow we meet in the LIBRARY computer classroom. In the library go up the stairs. Ask a librarian if you are not sure. We will work on our genre projects.…
I am seeing some good outlines from the class so far. Remember to look at your peers and comment on two peers.
Some are still working on the outline — so I wanted to share upfront this document with example …
Let’s get the outline up on Open Lab HW 3 by Wednesday day before Turkey Day!
We have the computer lab in the Library …
We will work on this today.
Here is the outline instructions/template:
OUTINE FOR GENRE PROJECT (any genre). Outline-for-Genre-Project…
Please get to class tomorrow. I have an imp0rtant thing to say about the Genre Projects. I haven’t received that much Unit 3 homework from many of you and I am feeling concerned — I want to make sure that …