Opening for Ed Narrative – Briana Lliguicota

” I don’t care about your excuses, just get it done little girl.” These are the words Mr. Abreu, my electrical teacher said to me on the very first day of my junior year. He said this to me as I very foolishly showed him my empty toolbox with absolutely nothing the syllabus asked for. I felt my face burn up despite the high powered ac in the room. I stared straight at my seat as I walked back but I could still feel my classmates staring at me. I was the only person that day who had not brought her tools. It was the first day. How had I already made the worse first impression to this teacher. Still, the embarrassment hit me like a wave crashing against a shore. I could just feel the weight of my classmates judgement especially Mr. Abreu’s as he made an example out of me. The thing I feared most, attention. “ How do you expect to succeed and you can’t remember the basics?” He said to the entire class while only looking at me. My chest tightened once again, I had no one to blame but myself. Still, I hated the way he payed so much attention to me through my mistake.

Later that day when class had ended Mr. Abreu called me into his office. I entered, expecting perhaps an apology pr at least some kind of acknowledgment. Instead he sat behind his desk, arms crossed and blank face. “ I’m not sorry for embarrassing you.” he said bluntly. I sighed and before I could say anything he continued with a stern tone this time, “ I hope it teaches you something. You are not a child anymore. I need to see you mature this year.” His words stung. My entire life I was the oldest sibling, the child of a broken marriage and this man I just met a couple minutes ago is telling me I’m immature. I never had an adult think about me this way other than my mom and I always believed she was wrong. Could he be right? With nothing but shame I left his office not realizing this is the moment I should’ve listened instead of ignoring.

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