Monday Sept 16 post-class

Group 4! I DO NOT SEE your Mother Tongue Master Vocabulary in the GDrive.  PLEASE UPLOAD NOW.

  1.  Group 5, you will do the Master Vocabulary List for pages 72 to 81 for the Obama reading.

EVERYONE to printout and read this LONG reading for Wednesday’s class and be prepared to discuss.

Obama, Chapter Four   (This is Chapter Four, 20 pages.)

2. HW 5 Due Tonight Monday night Sept 16

  • Title:  Outline Education Narrative – Your Name
  • Category:  Outline Ed Narrative
  • No need to comment on student peers for this HW5

FIRST, In One Sentence tell me What is the single transformative event that you are writing about? 

THEN, give me an outline with at least THREE scenes you plan to write into your Education Narrative.  We saw examples of this outline today in our discussion of Mother Tongue.   Using Roman Numerals for your outline: 




NOTE:  We are four weeks into the semester; everyone has had time to acclimate.  If your HW is late you will not get credit.  This is the HW policy as written on the syllabus.

3. Make appointment NOW with the Writing Center Tutors!  Remember TWO visits are required.

FYI:  When an Open Lab HW is graded (some are only a completion grade) the score range is 1 (worst) to 4 (best) as explained on the Syllabus.

I have commented on HWs.  To see my teacher comments:  Go into the Student Page; find your HW posting; read the comments.  Use these comments to improve your writings.  You will use these Open Lab HW writings and comments to develop your first draft of Education Narrative.

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