Mentor Quote- Amit Darmalingum

“I don’t know why you’re in music class. You can’t even play a single instrument correctly.”   

In sixth grade, not even eleven years old yet, I had no idea how powerful words could be especially when they came from someone I looked up to. In that moment, it was as if those words confirmed my deepest fear: that I didn’t belong, that I was less than everyone else in the room. It wasn’t just my ability to play an instrument that was being judged; it felt like a critique of everything I was capable of. I remember the crushing urge to disappear, to fade into the background so no one could form opinions about me. From then on, even the thought of raising my hand filled me with dread, as if doing so would invite more humiliation. That one moment planted a seed of doubt, not just in my ability to step out of my comfort zone in class, but in every part of my life. 

After that, I became more reclusive, quieter, and hesitant to even touch the harmonium. Have you ever felt so discouraged that you stopped trying altogether? As the teacher went around the class, calling on students one by one to play, I would shrink into the background, watching the others while a tight knot twisted in my gut. When it was my turn to play, my hands would tremble, and I’d avoid eye contact with the teacher, terrified of hearing another humiliating remark. It wasn’t just about the music anymore—it went much deeper than that. That one moment made me question whether I had any creativity at all. Have you ever wondered if you should even try when doubt weighs so heavily on you? 

2 thoughts on “Mentor Quote- Amit Darmalingum”

  1. I like how you really implemented an aspect of the fear induced by the teacher. Not only that the fact you were in a class meant to learn and being told off for not knowing is crazy, hope you didn’t quit playing instruments because of that. If you didn’t quit, also that’s pretty cool of you. What instrument do you play/did you play by the way.

  2. You really have done little to move this forward from the way you wrote it in HW3.

    Why didn’t you use my comment in HW3 to improve and move this forward?

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