Mentor Quote-Maria Contreras

I thought my mission was only to prove Mr Hernandez wrong, my Ap english teacher in junior year. But in reality, I had to prove to myself I was capable of improving my writing and reading. After living in Mexico, English wasn’t my strongest language. Growing up I always seeked a way to improve it. Reading higher levels even though they were difficult to understand. Watching informative shows in english was a funny way because i will feel like a kid just watching the tv without understanding. But later on, it worked for me to understand.

Sophomore year, my English teacher motivated me to join ap english. I saw it as an opportunity to continue challenging myself. However, the summer of 2022 wasn’t what I expected. Someone I thought was important to me made my life do a 360 turn. Life problems and the way AP classes work were not much of a great combination. Focusing became an obstacle. 

3 thoughts on “Mentor Quote-Maria Contreras”

  1. Maria, I think you have a great story to tell especially because it’s about a vulnerable state you were in during your educational journey. You definitely have the potential to write about a good turning event that caused you to realize you not only wanted to prove your teacher wrong but also to yourself that you were capable of accomplishing your goals.The obstacles you also faced while committing to an AP class can also be used as crucial factors and details in your narrative to help you build onto it.

  2. Your story demonstrates amazing tenacity and resolve. You obviously found it quite difficult to learn English, particularly after coming from Mexico, yet you persevered despite this. You overcame obstacles by reading challenging material, watching television to become fluent in the language, and persevering. It’s encouraging that your goal was to show yourself that you could succeed rather of just proving your teacher incorrect. The way you approached AP English in spite of your own struggles and unforeseen obstacles throughout the summer truly demonstrates your tenacity. You showed strength and a strong commitment to growth by continuing to strive for improvement even in the face of hurdles thrown your way by life.

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