Mentor Quote-Christi

“Why are you so lazy?You’re not gonna succeed on your own if you’re so lazy.”

This is what my grandma said to me.I have a little sister and cousins that are boys in which we lived at my grandma house together.Since I was the oldest and a girl,she would made me clean. She was one of those old timey adults and it used to make me so upset.I would have a poor attitude and she would always tell me I’m lazy and need to learn how to cook and clean just because I’m a girl. So when I moved out with my mom and sister,I started to clean up the house every morning when nobody was home even when I didn’t want to. I just love cleaning on my own time.I don’t like when people tell me when to clean. Now, I always tidy up the house when I wake up and before I go to class at City Tech majoring in Rad-Tech or when I don’t have class as well.I feel as if i’m successful because i’m in progress of getting my degree and getting in the beginning of my career path.

Her words left an impact on me because she was being so sexist.She made me mostly do everything in the house.Sweep the whole house,wash the dishes and sometimes help her cook.I was so angry because it wasn’t only just me in the house.I felt like someone’s maid and mistreated.I did everything she told me to do because I was so respectful but sometimes you need to stand up for yourself which I did not do.

3 thoughts on “Mentor Quote-Christi”

  1. I relate to this a little, I was always told I wasn’t able to retaliate against my female cousins because I was the oldest and a man, but they could freely hit me as they wanted, so I was often fighting with some of my cousins. But it’s great that you at least found a hobby you like to do, which is cleaning, if that counts.

  2. I am wondering if this could this be the seed of a larger story? Let’s try to figure out what is the main transformative event here. In a single sentence what could this be about? Is this about a sexist comment from Grandma that came at a formative time in your life? Is fighting against a feminist family attitude something you have learned to deal with? Do you belong to a cultural heritage that favors men over women? 

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