Success Tips-Christi

Tip #1-Participating is a tip that I need to start using.Throughout my school years,I’ve only participated sometimes. I have such a quiet and shy personality which is why I lack this skill.In socratic seminar, I would lose points for not talking. Now I understand that participation will allow me to improve my social skills and my public speaking.I struggled with presentations all the time. I think I’m gonna embarrass myself. I would not look at the people i’m presenting to and I would get nervous.My social anxiety is a lot when it comes to public speaking.Then I realized that nobody is only worried about anybody but themselves.So now I will participate especially if I confidently know the answer.If I don’t know the answer,I will ask questions.

Tip #2-Find study skills that work for you, I have struggles trying to find my way of studying for a test.I used to study the day before or the day of which was a bad habit.Then when I took the test,I would either forget what I studied or just have a vivid memory of it.When that happens I feel like I could have done better.In my mandarin class,I would either study hard or barely study and the results showed. I would get a 95 on the test when i studied and like a 80 when I didn’t but now that I’m in college I realized I need change my study habits. When I studied for test, I would listen to music but it kinda distracts me so peace and quiet works for me.I need to work on a desk and I need my work all around me.The work doesn’t have to be organized as of yet but when I’m done studying I would organize afterwards. Also, I would just revise my notes but I wouldn’t really fully get it into my brain.I need it to fully get into my head so I can understand.Now when I study, I’m gonna study as soon as the topic is introduced and I need to write it by hand.I write best in the night so at the end of the class and day it will work out.

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