Success Tips – Said Babaev

Tip 1: Understanding deadlines, is a crucial tip that I will take in mind and use for the future of this class. With High school being very lenient with deadlines and cutting a lot of slack, entering college most have to understand that the lenience and slack that was cut for them is no longer going to be there. Understanding deadlines and getting work done before is crucial to obtaining the grades that we are all seeking, getting A’s in the classes will help us in our later endeavors. Looking at the syllabus and seeing there is no lenience for late work I have to understand that it is fully up to me when I deliver my work and should not be surprised with what grade I receive. The difference in workload due to starting college means I will have to manage my time and make those sacrifices that I need to to reach my goals in each class. Putting my best foot forward I have to check the deadlines and become responsible and pay the consequences of my actions.

Tip 2: Participation, understanding that I have to participate and be present at classes to get the full understanding and credit for the class. Participation is crucial since participating will allow me to better understand the topic we are going over which will help me succeed. Participating in class will also allow me to help those who do not fully understand the subject or topics and help them comprehend and get a better understanding. Attendance is a big part of the class and a tip to stay present in class and keep my A game, not attending class would leave me at risk of failing. Being absent from class will leave me behind and decrease my understanding of each topic which could further endanger my success. That is why participating and being present in class plays a crucial role in my college studies which will later on help with my future endeavors.

1 thought on “Success Tips – Said Babaev”

  1. Understanding deadlines is definitely a major key for success in class. I believe as well, in having studied the syllabus and keeping it on hand will help tremendously in understanding when those deadlines are. I also believe that making sure to keep yourself updated on the announcements will help too. Another tip that I like to implement when it comes to deadlines are having either a planner or a calendar with all of your deadlines, that way you can keep yourself in check. I like the fact that you mentioned time management. I believe that is a skill that will set you up for success.

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