Project Proposal-Briana Lliguicota

My research question is : Why do students procrastinate?

I want to teach my audience that procrastination stems from negative coping mechanisms rather than simple laziness. I want to portray procrastination as a habit that almost every student faces and that it shouldn’t be seen as a negative trait. The audience I’m trying to reach are students and the youth of current society. The genres I’m considering for this project is a podcast and a video essay. A podcast would allow me to casually present the information I’ve learned in a conversational and modern manner while a video essay would allow me to provide information in a creative and entertaining way that could be more eye catching for the audience. I intend to get started by creating a rough script about the information I want to talk about. This way I will be able to organize my thoughts in sections. The only thing that worries me is that my project will be too thorough and not creative enough. The mentor text I will be using is “How much it really costs to buy a 1E house in Italy” by Jennifer Liu. This video essay efficiently presented examples of purchasing homes in Italy for 1E. She demonstrated people’s own experiences and properly split her video essay in sections to keep her information organized for the audience.

2 thoughts on “Project Proposal-Briana Lliguicota”

  1. I would love to hear a podcast on procrastination. I, as many others, struggle with it and I would like to come to terms with it. As I heard once in a Ted Talk we have what’s called a procrastination monkey in our brain.

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