Opening for Ed Narrative – Aneyah Steward

ā€I promise Iā€™m gonna go to college and Iā€™m gonna be successfulā€ the last words I said to my grandma as I leaned over her hospital bed with tears in my eyes. Hugging my sister as we cried those were the last words I said to my grandma before she died a couple days later. Weeks before this I found out my grandma has cancer and I watched my family struggle. Me and my sister were walking out of school when I received a phone call from my mom. She said that my grandma has cancer and was in the hospital and she needed me and my sister to pick up another one of our sisters. Tears immediately from our faces as we walked to the train station home.
I didnā€™t experience a lot of loss so I didnā€™t know how to grieve or coop. So I did the most unhealthy thing. I stopped showing up to school, stopped doing work, I just stopped caring completely. My grandmas death was one of the hardest things Iā€™ve faced but also what motivated me the most. Since my mom was never home because she was always in the hospital or helping out my grandma I had gotten away with not going to school and losing focus. Staying home on most days, I had no life. Iā€™d eat snacks all day and watch Netflix. I was slowing losing myself, losing hope.

7 thoughts on “Opening for Ed Narrative – Aneyah Steward”

  1. ā€I promise Iā€™m gonna go to college and Iā€™m gonna be successfulā€ the last words I said to my grandma as I leaned over her hospital bed with tears in my eyes. Hugging my sister as we cried those were the last words I said to my grandma before she died a couple days later. Weeks before this I found out my grandma has cancer and I watched my family struggle. Me and my sister [My sister and I] were walking out of school when I received a phone call from my mom. She said that my grandma has cancer and was in the hospital and she needed me and my sister to pick up another one of our sisters. Tears immediately from our faces as we walked to the train station home.

    [New Par] I didnā€™t experience [Up to this point in my HOW MANY YEARS life I hadnā€™t experienced] a lot of loss so I didnā€™t know how to grieve or coop. So I did the most unhealthy thing. I stopped showing up to school, stopped doing work, I just stopped caring completely. My grandmas death was one of the hardest things Iā€™ve faced but also what motivated me the most. Since my mom was never home because she was always in the hospital or helping out my grandma I had gotten away with not going to school and losing focus. Staying home on most days, I had no life. Iā€™d eat snacks all day and watch Netflix. I was slowing losing myself, losing hope. [good CSD]


    I think you are using Option 4 Writing Prompt on Resilience from the Assignment ā€“ correct?   Study that option carefully to help you as you write your narrative. 

  2. What are the events that will move your story forward? This was HW 5 — The outline. You need a plan to guide you as you move forward.

    GET AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE WRITING TUTORS! It will help you because you are behind in the writing process.

  3. FROM the Unit One Assignment:

    1. Resilience

    Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X faced extreme adversity, yet they struggled and persevered to achieve an education and to advance their lives ā€” and eventually the lives of others. Both taught themselves to read and write while being enslaved or being imprisoned. They write in descriptive language of their desire and motivation to learn and the clever ways that they outsmarted their betters to achieve their goal to be literate. You could not keep them down! Thatā€™s resilience.

    But they did not stop there. Both men rose to become leaders in the fight for freedom and equal rights that did not exist for their people. Think about the battle for abolition of slavery in the 1830ā€™s and the battle for civil rights in the 1960ā€™s. Both Douglass and Malcolm X devoted their lives to fight for change that disrupted the power hierarchy of their time.

    Focus on a single BIG struggle/hardship/challenge that you faced during a difficult period in your school life. What exactly was this struggle? Try to define this struggle in clear language. How did you persevere? What strategies did you use? Do you believe your decision/actions pushed you forward? If so, how? If not, why not? What qualities about yourself did you discover in this process? What new skills and how did you apply these skills to your school life? To other avenues of your life?

    Examples of hardships might be: you or a loved one was diagnosed with a difficult disease; you were bullied in middle school; your parents divorced when you were in the tenth grade; your move from middle to high school was traumatic because _______; you were mocked because of your accent or your style of dress when you arrived in the USA in third grade; the pandemic online learning year; or a less-than-what you-expected-senior year because of the pandemic.

  4. The assignment is to write an EDUCATION narrative, so the “main theatre” where things should be happening in your story: is your school life. HOw did the death of grandmother affect you at school? You need events showing your difficulties with school — LIKE:

    I stopped showing up to school, stopped doing work, I just stopped caring completely. — CAN you SHOW me this STOPPING. Good repetition of this word — Reach back into your memory and show me a scene of your school life coming to a “stop”

    THEN you need to show me how you pulled yourself together? Reach back into your memory and examine this hard period of your life. Who helped you? What helped you? WHAT strategies did you use? How did you get through this time at school?

    THEN for a conclusion — WHAT did you learn about yourself — LOOK AT THE OPTION 4 RESILIENCE which I copied above.

    I think you need to create an OUtline as assigned for HW 5 — GO BACK to announcements and read HW 5.

    My grandmas death was one of the hardest things Iā€™ve faced but also what motivated me the most. Since my mom was never home because she was always in the hospital or helping out my grandma I had gotten away with not going to school and losing focus. Staying home on most days, I had no life. Iā€™d eat snacks all day and watch Netflix. I was slowing losing myself, losing hope. 

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