Sunday September 15

I am making my way through HW 4 for those of you who submitted on time.

TOMORROW we discuss Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue and Groups 4 have the Master Vocabulary LIst to upload by tonight.  Everyone to bring printout, to annotate, look up words —  and be prepared to discuss.


Amy Tan, “Mother Tongue

We will consider:

  • ·      the term “mother tongue”
  • ·      the different Englishes Amy Tan speaks
  • ·      how her mother is viewed by Americans based on her spoken English.
LOOK at how Tan SHOWS us through interesting scenes and scenes with dialogues.  SHE SHOWS us that she is navigating BETWEEN TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS and how this affects her as a student and as a future professional writer.
  • We will listen to audiobook narrator Nancy Wu.
  • Think about an event in your educational journey.  Has there been a moment or an event when you have felt that you were operating between two different worlds? (Like Santiago, Amy Tan must navigate between two different languages, two different cultures.  She learns and grows through this experience of living between two different worlds.)

THINK ABOUT YOUR OWN WORK ON YOUR OWN EDUCATION NARRATIVE — QUESTION — In ONE clear sentence:  What is the single transformative event that you are writing about?

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