Mentor Quote – Raz

“Get yourself together”

Who would have thought that 3 words would be enough to help change somebody. In middle school, I was a slacker student, even though I did get decent grades, I always waited till the last second to hand anything in. And if not that, In class when I finish my work, I always took out something for myself to do that isn’t classwork. In my mind when I was done with work and had nothing to do what’s the point of sitting and doing nothing, when you can sit and do something. Then my oldest brother who lives away came to visit. during the visit he saw how I was with school, and told me to get myself together. Then I did, I respect him so I listened.

There isn’t much to write here but results so from that, the results obviously wasn’t immediate, but I put an effort for a few years and some of the bad habits were killed. Not only that but my teachers stopped disliking me a bit more, which is pretty cool for someone who doesn’t wanna fail I guess. Is there anything else out of this you may be asking? or anything to really take from this? the answer to that unfortunately no, besides that I look up to my brother which leads to me listening to him more as a kid. Anyways, any questions just ask, I’m not good at telling people stories of myself.

1 thought on “Mentor Quote – Raz”

  1. “Get yourself together”

    Who would have thought that 3 words would be enough to help change somebody. In middle school, I was a slacker student, even though I did get decent grades, [WHAT ways were you “slacking”? Dont’ just tell me SHOW me WHAT SLACKING MEANS inyour case. WHAT grades were you getting?]  I always waited till the last second to hand anything in. And if not that, In class when I finish my work, I always took out something for myself to do that isn’t classwork. In my mind when I was done with work and had nothing to do what’s the point of sitting and doing nothing, when you can sit and do something. Then my oldest brother [WHAT is his name? WHERE does he live? HOW many years older?]. who lives away came to visit. during the visit he saw how I was with school, and told me to get myself together. Then I did, I respect him so I listened. [SHOW ME this dialogue. WHEN did this talk happen? WHERE did you talk? HOW did the talk happen? WHAT did he/you say?]

    There isn’t much to write here but results so from that, the results obviously wasn’t immediate, but I put an effort [WHAT were these next steps of “effort”?] for a few years and some of the bad habits were killed. Not only that but my teachers stopped disliking me a bit more, which is pretty cool for someone who doesn’t wanna fail I guess. Is there anything else out of this you may be asking? or anything to really take from this? the answer to that unfortunately no, besides that I look up to my brother which leads to me listening to him more as a kid. Anyways, any questions just ask, I’m not good at telling people stories of myself.

    FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM ANNOUCEMENTS – WHERE IS – In One Sentence tell me What is the single transformative event that you are writing about?  


    WHAT Is your story about? You don’t have a clear intention if you cannot write this one sentence above! 


    PROBLEM: You really don’t have a story here. You are just telling me a summary of a bad time in your school life but there are very specific few details. Study our readings – there are stories, with a story line, with events. With CSD! Concrete Specific Details. 

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