Writing Task Saved – Raz

Vocaloids saved me in high school. In high school I spent a lot of time just around, it was pretty uneventful to be honest. I didn’t have many friends at this point and I just didn’t really know what to do with myself. Another thing to note is that I did not enjoy listening to music either. Around this time a friend of mine got me to play Osu, a rhythm game about clicking circles at the correct time.

Ever since I got into Osu, I’ve tried getting better by beating more and more stages, and I mainly played the game just for the game aspect, the music was kind of a bother to me at that point. One day that all changed, I found this one song in Japanese that I started thinking that it was pretty good. I tried looking the song up, expecting an anime or something for me to watch when looking it up, instead I got introduced to my second favorite diva, and a whole new genre to music… vocaloids. This music genre has saved me in so many ways. Some bits that vocaloids have saved me with is studying, sleeping, relaxation and even helped me with socializing a little bit. Over the years I’ve come to listen to them more and more. Even now while writing this I’m actually listening to a vocaloid song, “Reincarnation Apple” by PinocchioP (amazing song by the way). Point is, without vocaloids, I probably wouldn’t be at the point I am since without socializing and studying and getting as much proper sleep as I would without it, I would be a worse student and less motivated and perhaps wouldn’t be here at city tech writing this.

(also side note, from my understanding its choose one of the writing tasks? if not ill do the other ones ASAP, and apologies for it being late, I wasn’t able to work on it till now, sorry.)

1 thought on “Writing Task Saved – Raz”

  1. Funny comment you threw me at the end. Yes indeed Raz, you have done a wrong HW! And what’s more you don’t really have a story here.

    However this could be a good response to one of the HWs coming up. I will ask you about an activity that saved you. We’ll be seeing this in the Colin Powell reading and the Malcolm X reading.

    NOW – if you wanted to pursue this writing prompt –

    Could you write a story about how Vocaloids saved you in your educational life? Reach back into your memory for your best scene of Vocaloids making a difference in your educational life. 

    RLW and study how our writers create interesting and engaging opening scenes.

    WHAT exactly is vocaloids? Your explanation needs clarity and more CSD. Concrete Specific Details. 

    AND NO MORE waiting until the last minute to find out what the HW is! 

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