Mentor Quote- Brianna M.

“You will never be nothing…you will never do good in life”

Those were the words my aunt said to me while sitting in her living with pure disgust written all over her face when I was seven.Even though I was not living with my aunt her words still had hurt me all because I dropped a vase by accident. Hearing those words made me question my self-worth and my self esteem mainly because it was repeated every time I was around her. Those words had the power to make me think I was unworthy of happiness or success, leading to me question my own skills and the potential I never got to see.At the moment the way she looked down upon me and looked at me with pure hatred hurt me more than anything I could ever imagine. I wasn’t mad at the words she said, I was mad because as her niece I would’ve never thought she can think so low of me.As she walked around her house throwing more hateful words at me I couldn’t do nothing but feel hopeless, worthless, and betrayed. She’s an important figure in my life because I looked at her as a second mom at times she would motivate me to be great and then there were times where she would discourage me for no particular reason.

These words left a long lasting imprint on my identity and the choices I make like am I ever good enough to join the debate team, am I ever good enough to do track, will I ever be good in math. I only recognized the negative or the limitations rather than my own potential. The awareness empowered me to become distant with toxic people and take control of my own life which helped me build my self-confidence, and my emotional strength.Those harsh words left important moments of self-reflection which just pushed me to be better as a person and as a daughter even though my mom would support me and be proud of me no matter what those words just stuck with my like glue which pushed me to be the person I am today.Her words were important to me because I knew I could prove her wrong and make something of myself and be more then what she said I could be. Now I just look back and think about the words my aunt said to me and use it as self motivation in what I do in life and how to do it. The amount of times I wanted to give up on things I love I always push my self to keep going and to stay positive and to be a better version of my aunt.Those words pushed me to graduate elementary school earning more than three awards.

2 thoughts on “Mentor Quote- Brianna M.”

  1. Hi Bri, it’s really hurtful, finding that your aunt used such hatred words. Sometimes in life hurtful words stick with us forever and shape us to a better person we’re today. Words really do have impact on our life’s. It’s a good thing that you looked up to your aunts words as motivational to guide you through the decisions you make. Having a positive and better self esteem really push away the person throwing negative words at you and make that person feel they were wrong. Don’t worry Bri, stay positive you’ll do better. You’ll be very successful in life.

  2. There are a lot of unclear points here. Can you make more clear?

    Were you living with your aunt? YOu say she looked at you “with pure hatred”. What was behind this bad relationship and why is she an important figure in your life?  Why were this aunt’s words so important to you? Who was age 7 you or your aunt? WHERE and in WHAT context was this comment made? Was this after you brought home a report card?

    From being seven years old then you jump to high school? Unclear time jump. 

    Let’s try to figure out what is the main transformative event here. In a single sentence what could this story be about? 

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