Success tips-Justin Fuentes 


Tip 5: understand deadlines 

This tip is very important for me. It is so important to me because I am trying very hard to be timely and recreate myself and my habits for college. In high school I was alright with deadlines, miss here and there but just alright. This time I wanna be on point and not miss anything. 

Tip 3: participate 

This tip will be very helpful and it’s a challenge for me to always speak my mind. I can find myself with the right answer but I don’t say anything, even in group projects I could sometimes not communicate so greatly with my peered but compared to if I did communicate better something more and better could of came from it. I look forward to bettering this skill as I see myself work on it more and communicate more. 

2 thoughts on “Success tips-Justin Fuentes ”

  1. Understanding deadlines is very important you don’t want to fall behind in work it will just cause stress and work ends up piling up and being late on one assignment can quickly turn into many assignments. In high school I wasn’t very good with deadlines I would tell myself that because an assignment is easy I would do it later, later turned into days than weeks and in the end I would be rushing to get all my assignments in before my grade in the class was finalized. I have changed this bad habit by setting up scheduled time for my homework and I also have reminders set on my phone for important deadlines. I willI agree that participation is a very important tip some professors actually pay close attention to how you’re contributing in class discussions or just in discussions with peers.

  2. It’s good that you know what you need to work on! Deadlines are going to be very very important in this class. I like Jazmine’s idea of keeping reminders on the phone.

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