Success Tips- Noureen Ayub

Tip # 1: Participate, this tip plays a major role in our grades along with getting to know the class community. knowing that participation always been a big struggle for me during high school because I would hesitate to talk due to lack of communication skill. Presentation always had me falling behind in my grades for not making eye contact with the audience and not speaking loudly and clear enough even though I had an outstanding topic to discuss. This really impacted me negatively. Now that I’m a college student I realized participating is very important. After our assignment on Introduction, it helped me understand that we all come up with unique interest, thoughts and face different challenges. So, participating and giving each other feedback really gain my confidence and will improve my social interaction. It also gives the opportunity to get to know each other. As of my goal, I will be looking forward to accomplishing better participation grade by reducing my anxiety level and not being shy to share and asking questions.

Tip #2: Try new things, this tips really outstand to me. For the fact English class always been my challenging class throughout the whole high school year. Learning that English subject have a daily impact on our social engagement. It really encouraged me to put the best effort to write out my thoughts on a specific assignment or an essay. English can be really creative for all of us as an individual. We all prefer different ways of writing which is a fun fact. For me, writing was best strategy to generate my ideas. Also, while I’m reading a novel, I see how the writer’s novel is so productive and help the readers to understand and be able to make an image. Therefore, this gives me an idea that being able to explore writing in new ways can help us know our ability. I can’t wait to experience new ways.

2 thoughts on “Success Tips- Noureen Ayub”

  1. I agree with yoy that participation is important becasue it will help us develop a better understanding on the class not only for yourself but for our classmates. We can share deeper ideas to have a clear vison. Feedback, as you mention, is also important because as a student, it can help improve our way of expressing or doing our work. Constructive feedback is always a tool that helps give a better quality of work.

  2. Engaging in classroom activities is essential for building relationships with fellow students as well as for grades. I had trouble speaking out in high school, which harmed my academics, particularly in presentations when I was unable to look people in the eye or speak effectively. I realize now that I’m in college how crucial it is to participate. Everyone has different interests and challenges, and I’m beginning to feel more secure by contributing and providing criticism. Our introductory project truly opened my eyes. It’s also a fantastic opportunity for deeper mutual understanding.

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